While the Trees Sleep, David's second album, is filled with themes of winter and solitude. Imagine yourself taking a long, quiet walk in the woods on a still winter morning—the rest of the world far, far, away. A fan favorite and a timeless classic!
Much of my time is spent deep in thought, evaluating my life and place in the world. On occasion, I find myself retreating to the sanctuary of the forest. It is a natural cathedral; a sacred place I can go to regain my balance, study, write, and pray.
I often think back to one very cool winter morning. Snow lay like a sheet atop the forest floor, and the air, heavy with fog, turned anything beyond a few yards into gray shadow. The forest was eerily quiet, the only sound the faint whisper of wind. Time seemed to stop, and for a few moments, I felt peace fill me completely.
Such moments have had considerable effect on me. I carry them into any new challenge I face. One of the reasons I compose is to reexperience that woodland peacefulness, to wander in mind and music to this "quiet place" of renewal. It is my hope that these compositions will take you to your own personal "quiet place." Perhaps I will meet you there.
A Selection of Buyer Reviews posted at Amazon.com...
This was purchased on a gamble...I had never heard of him but his name popped up when I searched for piano soloist. I have always loved the piano. When it came I held my breath as it put it on the first time to listen to it. Wow! I was thrilled and realized immediately that I had found a gem. I have continued to purchase his CD's and each one has been a winner! You cannot go wrong.
I bought this cd for one track in particular, Walking Among Giants, and love the whole thing. I play it often at work and my clients really like it.
His piano work is brilliant, but its his composing that really blows me away. Anyone interested in classical "dream" music should definitely check this out.
"While the Trees Sleep" is a beautiful song. Everything by David Nevue is wonderful. He creates very "soulful" arrangements that are so peaceful they can fill the air for hours. His music is inspiring, relaxing, and worshipful.
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