Postcards from Germany is inspired by David's trip to Germany, Austria, and the surrounding areas. To quote David, "I had always imagined Germany as a dark, industrial country. I couldn't have been more wrong. It is a land of wonders, filled to capacity with ancient castles and cathedrals. There were days we felt like we were exploring a fairytale land—a storybook world where everything was bigger and more fantastic! After we arrived back in the States, I found my mind returning again and again to our time in Germany. Before long, I began to put my favorite memories to music, trying to capture, in some small way, the moments that made the biggest impression on me. That's how this album, a collection of musical 'postcards,' came to be." The album features Big Snow in Salzburg, Wonderland, Racing the Northern Lights, Song at the Speyer Cathedral, and ten other original compositions.
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When my wife and I took a vacation to Germany in November of 1998, I was totally unprepared for what awaited us. I had always imagined Germany a dark, industrial country. I couldn't have been more wrong. Germany is a land of wonders, filled to capacity with ancient castles and cathedrals. There were days we felt like were were exploring a fairy-tale land; a strange, storybook world, where everything was bigger and more fantastic. Needless to say, it was an extraordinary trip and a wonderful adventure.
After we arrived back in the States, I found my mind returning again and again to our time in Germany. Before long, I began to put my favorite memories to music, trying to capture, in some small way, the moments that made the biggest impression on me. That's how this album, a collection of musical "postcards," came to be.
The trip was, in many ways, a little taste of heaven. Every sight and experience was new and full of wonder. The day-to-day grind of "real life" seemed far away. Imagine, if you will, taking everything that weighs you down emotionally and just tossing it aside. Then, take the things that bring you happiness and amplify them. That was what this trip felt like, emotionally. I was filled with peace and contentment. I don't know how else to describe it other than to call it the joy of pure freedom.
What really impressed both my wife and me during the journey was how tangibly we felt the presence of God with us during our travels. We watched on several occasions as God's divine hand seemed to invisibly guide an protect us. We could see God moving before us, making arrangements and ensuring our safe passage. Of course, this is the case every single day of our lives, but we were especially attuned to Him while visiting this strange, unknown land.
I will never forget...
... the rainy day we explored the catacombs of the Speyer Cathedral. As we sat in near-darkness, taking in the quiet peacefulness of the place, a trio of schoolgirls sitting nearby broke into song. Their harmonies filled the hall and the acoustics of the chamber made their sweet, simple voices sound like a choir of angels...
I will never forget...
...our time in Salzburg, where six inches of snow fell in just a few hours, turning the small pedestrian walkways into holiday magic under the glow of lanterns and Christmas-colored lights. At the childhood home of Mozart, we stood one foot in front of his violin, encased in glass and suspended in air like the Holy Grail of music.
I will never forget...
...the dark, dark night we were lost without hope in the freezing mountains of Schlossanger... and the exhausted relief we felt when a stranger appeared out of nowhere to show us the way - and then treated us to an incredible late-night feast. The next morning, we watched the sun rise over Castle Falkenstein, the highest castle ruin in Germany. The rising sun set the snow-covered landscape ablaze with glittering light.
In the end, our visit to Germany turned out to be a wonderful reminder of how truly "Far From Home" we are, and how dependent we are on the mercies of our God each and every day.
I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing of You among the peoples. For great is Your love, reaching to the heavesn; Your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth." - Psalm 57:9-11
- David Nevue
Industry Reviews...
Postcards From Germany is a collection of fourteen solo piano pieces inspired by a trip to Germany that David Nevue and his wife took a few years ago. Most of the tracks are quietly poetic, offering musical glimpses of places and experiences encountered on the trip. There are no polkas or beer-garden romps, but rather the subtle beauty of the countryside and the explorations of castles and cathedrals. This is David Nevue's sixth CD, and his artistry grows with each new release. The title track carries a feeling of setting out on a new adventure, full of anticipation and hope.
"Wonderland" is a gorgeous piece that has an easy, contented sense of peace and serenity. It evokes images of gently falling snow or a meadow full of wildflowers and the gentlest of breezes. "In God's Hands" offers a sense of surrender and a willingness to let go of control. A deeply religious man, Nevue often composes about his spiritual life. Sometimes these compositions are a bit turbulent (as on The Vigil), but this piece is tranquil and serene. Nevue mentions in the liner notes that he and his wife were impressed at how often both of them strongly felt the presence of God during their travels, and this comes across in several of the pieces. "The Kindness of Strangers" is a warm and happy "thank you" to a stranger who led the couple out of a mountain snowstorm and took them in for the night. "The Walled City" is probably my favorite track on this CD. It is a little bigger, moodier, and more complex. There is a mysterious feeling as well as a sense of sadness. It is an especially beautiful and evocative piece. "Castle Hunting" is lighthearted and reminds me a little of some of Robin Spielberg's compositions. It suggests the fun of exploring something new and finding delightful little surprises at every turn.
Postcards From Germany is an excellent CD, and I recommend it very highly.
- reviewed by Kathy Parsons, for, on 4/25/2003
A Selection of Buyer Reviews posted at
Postcards differed from the normal David Nevue sound of his previous 4 albums, but if anything it is a change for the better. As usual there is a healthy dosage of slow, melodic tracks as well as many upbeat tracks (ex. "The Amazing Accordian Man"). No question "One Night At Mozart's" was the fan favorite that has gotten much radio play worldwide, but my personal favorite has to be "Big Snow In Salzburg". Every time I listen to it I get a perfect mind's eye vision of a beautiful light snowfall on a pitch dark night with the stars shining majestically overhead. This is definately a CD for any instrumental/piano lover. Get it (and Nevue's 6 other albums) AS FAST AS YOU CAN! You won't regret it.
A perfect CD is you need to unwind or relax. As with all of David's music, this CD is an enchanting selection of music that is the perfect way to end your day. I suffer from chronic pain and listening to his CDs always brings down my pain a number ot two. Pure magic!
Wow, uses picardy third so fluently. "Racing the Northern Lights" has such a major to minor mood that it keeps your attention automatically. Then "Wonderland" suddenly illuminates a modern adagio that is bittersweet and quasi heroic. "One Night at Mozart's" is introspective and so in character, yet not a Mozart copycat style. Recording quality is fine and like being there. Would love to hear this guy live! "Castle Hunting" is the type of melody you can't stop hearing, and modulates up a step. Would be a nice song for lyrics!
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